Donnerstag, 21. März 2019

Payroll bedeutung deutsch

Payroll bedeutung deutsch

A list of a companys employees and the amount each earns, or the total earnings a business gives to its employees. payroll fund: Last post May 1 14:14: Long-term life and pension insurance is deductible within a limit of of the payroll fund Replies: payroll assignment: Last post Feb 1 15:51: Feels for payroll assignment: Replies: payroll employment: Last post Dec 0 20:24: Was genau ist das übersetzt? In the sense of treasury management, payroll plays a major role in a company for several reasons. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit hr payroll Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für payroll im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). Kennst du Übersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sind?

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A payroll is a company s list of its employees, but the term is commonly used to refer to: the total amount of money that a company pays to its employees a company s records of its employees salaries and wages, bonuses, and withheld taxes the company s department that calculates funds and pays these. Without prejudice to the considerations with regard to the effects of the reform proposals (as a whole) in paragraphs 1to 1or those concerning regional selectivity in paragraphs to 12 a payroll tax under which all undertakings are liable in the amount of a fixed sum per employee per year can at least under certain circumstances be considered as selective when it is applied in the absence of a general system of taxation of company profits and replaces such a system. Payroll Definition: The people on the payroll of a company or an organization are the people who work for it. A list of the people employed by a company showing how much each one earns: 2.

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From an accounting perspective, payroll and payroll taxes are subject to laws and regulations and c. It foun furthermore, that three aspects of the reform were materially selective: first, the requirement that a company must make a profit before it becomes liable to payroll tax and BPOT, since that requirement would favour companies which make no profit secon the cap limiting liability to payroll tax and BPOT to of profits, since that cap would favour companies which, for the tax. Externe Quellen (nicht geprüft) A second consequence of the limitation of the combined liability for payroll tax and business property occupation tax to of profits is that profitable companies whose tax liability would otherwise exceed this threshold are relieved of tax they would have to pay in excess of this threshold. The total amount of money paid to the people employed by a particular company: 3. Bitte immer nur genau eine Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung eintragen (Formatierung siehe Guidelines möglichst mit einem guten Beleg im Kommentarfeld).

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