Choose how long to turn off notifications. How do I turn off Facebook s integration with apps, games and websites? Tap your profile picture in the top left corner Legal Policies Deactivate Messenger. To deactivate Messenger after you ve deactivated your Facebook account: i: Open Messenger.
Swipe down to the bottom and tap on Settings and then Account Settings. Facebook-Account nur deaktivieren statt komplett löschen - am Handy mit i oder Android.
Click at the top right of any Facebook page. I tried to download the Facebook app for i or iPad and it s not working. Tap Auto-update apps and choose one of the options: Do not auto-update apps. Download Facebook and enjoy it on your i, iPad and iPod touch. All posts by apps or games will be removed from your timeline and you won t be able to to apps, games and websites using Facebook.
Turning off Facebook s integration with apps, games and websites removes apps or games you ve logged into using Facebook. To turn off notifications for a single conversation on your i or iPad: From Home, tap and hold a conversation. Weitere i Tricks findet ihr auf unserer.
To turn auto-updates on or off: Open the Play Store app.
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From Home, tap your profile picture in the top left corner. How do I uninstall the Facebook app from my or tablet? Click Settings, then click Your Facebook Information in the left column. Choose Deactivate Account, then click Continue to Account Deactivation and follow the instructions to confirm. How to deactivate your Facebook account (reversible) Launch the Facebook iOS app and tap on the hamburger icon (three lines) in the bottom right corner.
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