Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2016

Canlocal mysql server through socket

Canlocal mysql server through socket

Just make sure it s declared in the client side hosts file. Without adding the -h, it always prompt Can t connect to local MySQL server through socket tmpck (after adding the argument, it works well. Evi Song Jun at 7:24). Recently my server CPU has been going very high. Type service mysqld start if you just installed.

For the mysql client, the default location of this socket file is tmpck.

CPU load averages 11(min) 12(mins) 1(mins) and my site has only had a slight increase in traffic. You can also force using a socket with the socket parameter (-S with usrbinmysql) and force TCPIP by providing a port (-P with usrbinmysql.) Kaoru Jun at 11:Using a fully qualified network name other than localhost worked for me. When connecting to a MySQL server located on the local system, the mysql client connects through a local file called a socket instead of connecting to the localhost loopback address. Have you ever faced an error Can t connect to local MySQL server through socket varrunmysqldck, while trying to to MySQL as any user? I installed mysql, but never started the service, so the.sock file doesn t exist. the reason they are asking if it is running, i presume, is because the socket is made when the service starts.

Cant connect to local MySQL server through socket tmpck The cause is: The mySQL by default attempts to connect through a local file called a socket instead of connecting to the address for localhost.

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The default location of this socket file, at least on OSX, is tmpck. You can login to your MySQL via the following terminal command. I setup mysql with a docker container by using Docker for Mac, and map its 33port to Mac.

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