Montag, 25. Januar 2016

Sql iif

Sql iif

SQL Server 20introduced a new built-in logical function SQL IIF. SQL IIF Function - Tutorial Gateway The SQL IIF function is one the Logical function introduced in SQL 2012. New Logical Functions in SQL Server 20(IIF and CHOOSE ). What is the equivalent of the IIF command in SQL Server? We can consider the SQL IIF as short way of writing IF Else, and CASE statements.

The IIF function returns a value if a condition is TRUE, or another value if a condition is FALSE. Dies ist eine oft gestellte Frage in SQL Server Communities. SQL Server 201 code named Denali, has new features to perform Logical Functions such as CHOOSE and IIF that can be used to perform.

The query plan will be the same. IIF (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server Microsoft Docs.

SQL Server IIF Function By Practical Examples - SQL Server Tutorial

New Logical Functions in SQL Server 20(IIF and CHOOSE )

Wie bereits im Eingangstext angedeutet, ist dies eine sehr. Overview of SQL IIF Statement - SQLS hack. In Microsoft Access you would use: Select iif(field 1 large, small ) as Size from Table With SQL Server, use the CASE command. SQL Server IIF vs CASE - Stack Overflow IIF is the same as CASE WHEN Condition THEN true part ELSE false part END.

SQL Server IIF Function - W3Schools Definition and Usage. It is a shorthand form of writing CASE statement logic or IF-ELSE logic. SQL Server IIF Function By Practical Examples - SQL Server Tutorial This tutorial shows you how to use the SQL Server IIF function to add if-else logic to queries. IIF SQL Function - SmallSQL Database A syntax description of the SQL function IIF for the SmallSQL database.

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IIF SQL Function - SmallSQL Database

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