Dienstag, 10. November 2015

Iso 639 greek

Iso 6greek

ISO-31Country Codes and ISO-6Language ISO-31Country Codes and ISO-6Language Codes This chapter contains the tables which provide the list of ISO Codes. Liste der ISO-639-1-Codes Diese Liste enth lt alle 1g ltigen ISO-639-1-Codes zusammen mit den von diesen kodierten Sprachen. ISO 6Language Codes (Obsolete) ISO 6Language Codes (Obsolete) NOTE : This page is obsolete.

Please see the Codes for the representation of names of languages maintained by the Library of Congress or the W3C Internationalization Activity for further and up-to-date information about language codes. Code Tables Change Requests 6Identifier Documentation: grk Back to Code Tables. In those cases, each is listed separately and they are designated as B (bibliographic) or T. Language Codes ISO 639-- MathGuide ISO 639-defines abbreviations for languages, consisting of two lowercase letters. Each language is assigned a two-letter (639-1) and three-letter (639-and 639-lowercase abbreviation, amended in later versions of the nomenclature).

Language Codes sorted by language down to sorting by Codes.

Modern Greek

ISO-31Country Codes and ISO-6Language

Instead of the complex vowel system of Ancient Greek, with its four vowel-height levels, length distinction, and multiple diphthongs, Modern Greek has a simple system of five vowels. ISO - ISO 6Language codes The purpose of ISO 6is to establish internationally recognised codes (either or letters long) for the representation of languages or language families. In HTML these are used in the LANG attribute as well.

ISO 639-Language Code List - Codes for the. List of ISO 639-codes - 1Zeilen ISO 6is a standardized nomenclature used to classify languages. Select just the elements of the Part or code, or show the set of code elements sorted by name.
About ISO 639-FAQ Relationship to other parts of ISO. ISO 6Code Tables ISO 639-This page offers a combined view of the language code tables of ISO 6parts and 3. These codes are widely used in many different disciplines, for example for bibliographic purposes, in the library community, as well as.

Note: ISO 639-is the alpha-code in Codes for the representation of names of languages- Part 2. There are languages that have alternative codes for bibliographic or terminology purposes. Table 20-provides the list of the ISO-31Country Codes and Table 20-lists the ISO-6Language Codes.

Liste der ISO-639-1-Codes

Zu diesen werden auch die entsprechenden ISO-639-2-Codes (sowohl terminologische als auch bibliographische Sprachcodes TB) und die jeweiligen ISO-639-3-Codes aufgelistet. You find tables sorted by language and by Code. Language Type Denotations grk: Greek languages : Active : 639-: Collective : Genetic : Ethnologue, Glottolog, Multitree, : About ISO 639-3.

Modern Greek - A series of radical sound changes starting in Koine Greek has led to a phonological system in Modern Greek that is significantly different from that of Ancient Greek. Auch hier gilt es, sehr ehrlich mit sich selbst zu sein. Betreff: Erinnerung zur Identifizierung Ihrer ALDI TALK Prepaid-Karte.

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