You can return your TV-Box via one of over 8Päckli Punkt locations, by post or by using the pickhome service). If you have a second-generation Swisscom TV-Box (HD it is not your property and must be returned to Swisscom if you no longer need it. Swisscom TV Resolve your Swisscom TV problem with the help of other customers. If you have purchased a Swisscom TV-Box UHD (latest-generation it belongs to you.
Schauen Sie jetzt Ihre Lieblingssendungen und aktuelle Sport-Highlights wie z.B. Viewing with Swisscom TV : Digital TV in UHD with Replay on more than 2channels, recording, Video on Deman Live Sport at top prices.
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Help with setting up Swisscom TV, using functions and fixing problems. Find out about the latest channel activations, and discuss functions, apps and TV Air. Die UEFA Champions League bei Teleclub live auch unterwegs. If you change your provider to Swisscom and keep your number (porting) or terminate your contract (in accordance with the contract) during the minimum contract perio we will reimburse you for any switching costs up to CHF 500. The Swisscom switch offer lets you enjoy the benefits of inOne home subscriptions.
Profitieren Sie von einer unübertroffenen Sendervielfalt, Replay, persönlichen Aufnahmen und vielen weiteren Funktionen.
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Swisscom Residential Customers - suitable offers and services for communication and entertainment around the clock. As a Swisscom TV subscriber or mobile customer with the TV Air Mobile option, you will receive: - Live TV on up to 3channels (1HD) - Replay for up to seven days - Up to 12hours of HD recordings - Ability to watch and schedule recordings on the move - Offline viewing of recordings and purchased videos - Simultaneous use on up to five. However, if you no longer require it, you may return it. Swisscom can refurbish the TV-Box and give it to another customer as a replacement device.
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The COUNT function counts rows that contain no-NULL and NULL values.
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